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Aligning the Church with the True Gospel and Spiritual Power

By Wendy Bowen


In the Book of Acts in the Bible, the epic and supernatural experiences of God’s love, power, and guidance are powerful and tangible. This ACTS study of the Book of Acts is designed to equip and empower followers of Jesus today to become like the first disciples and to do the things that they did in that world-changing book.

​ACTS begins with a review of the Gospel and the resurrection of Jesus as His first followers would have understood them, and then moves through the historical accounts of the Book of Acts. Topic by topic, it reveals the dynamics of the life of the early church on and after the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out with power from Heaven.

This study is written to the common believer in language that is easy to understand and apply to life today so that every follower of Jesus can enter into deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit and other believers, endure victoriously through the trials of life and opposition to the faith, and know our power and authority to work miracles, signs, and wonders in the name of Jesus.

​If your heart burns to experience the Book of Acts, then ACTS is the study for you and your church.


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