Contribute to Our Work
God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7
We operate entirely by faith for the glory of God. We are completely dependent on God moving in the hearts of generous people like you to contribute to our work. We welcome you to share in our service for God's Kingdom through your financial support of Manifest International, LLC. Together, we live to Manifest our King and make disciples of all nations!

To Our Work
We are so thankful for the generosity of those who contribute to what God is doing through our work for His Kingdom. A one-time or monthly gift of any amount helps us to reach more people in more places with the truth of the Gospel. We know God will bless you for blessing us, both now and in eternity.
Questions? Contact:
Scroll down to learn more about our Approach to Finances.
Apps for Easy
Note: Giving Profiles are ManifestINTL
Deposits, Wires & Checks by Mail
Make Check Payable to: Manifest International, LLC
Mail Check to: 729 9th Ave, Suite 128, Huntington, WV 25701
Our Approach to Finances
Our approach to finances is simple. We live by faith and rely entirely upon God’s provision for everything we do. Our appeal is to heaven as we put into practice the words of Jesus to seek His Kingdom and righteousness and to receive and give freely. We have no plan B. Our God is faithful.
We are totally dependent on God moving in the hearts of His people to contribute to our work. We believe that voluntary freewill offerings according to God stirring people’s hearts is the Biblical approach to building God’s house. (1) Therefore, to keep our preaching and teaching pure and uncompromised, we do not make solicitations for finances or conduct fundraisers for support. This said, we do seek to make it easy for people to contribute to our work, and we will gladly receive your contribution to our work for the glory of God.
Please note: Manifest International, LLC is not a non-profit/501(c)3 organization. We believe the Lord has led us this way in order to give us enhanced freedom to obey His guidance in these end times. This allows us to expand, shift, apportion, and steward our finances however God leads us while maintaining our freedom of speech and the rights of a private enterprise. We gladly pay to Caesar what is Caesar’s and consider it a small expense for the privilege of staying faithful to God. Likewise, we are confident that God will bless you for blessing us far beyond the benefit of a charitable tax deduction. (2)
Our priority is God’s Kingdom and obedience to His voice. We invite you to partner with us as we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and build up the Church for the glory of God.
We live to manifest our King!
(1) See Acts 4:32; Exodus 35; 1Chronicles 29 (2) See Philippians 4:19; 3John 1:8